Activity 2: Beyond Plastics


Explore ways to live 'greener' or more sustainably and design beyond plastic.


Watch both the 'Living Plastic Wise' and 'Going green shouldn't be this hard' videos.

While watching try to answer these questions:

  • How many plastic bags are thrown away by Americans every year?
  • How much did three communities charge for a plastic bag, bringing down the number of people taking one from 75% to 16%?
  • Today, who is responsible for product packaging?
  • How many kg's of carbon dioxide equals using a cellphone for a year?
  • What simple policy change is suggested to make going 'greener' easier for everyone? (It has helped California head towards its greenhouse gas emissions target.)

On TikTok, Instagram, or FB. Write a social media post with the hashtag #BePlasticWise. Here are some ideas:

  • Why should we recycle?
  • What recycling and Return-It resources do you have easy access to?
  • Shout out to a company in your community that provides ways to help limit waste.
  • What 1 sustainable practice could one of your favorite businesses improve on? Let them know!
  • Add a picture of a waste reduction in your school/ city or feature a business near you!